Yaeyama Firefly Tour

Commonly known as Tinkerbell, Yaeyama fireflies are the most beautiful fireflies on Iriomote Island.

Between 30 to 50 minutes after sunset, the fireflies flash as quickly and powerfully as Christmas lights. A romantic feature limited to this season, hundreds appear during peak season, lighting the scenery into a dreamlike world of illumination.

※ Please kindly note that the appearance of fireflies varies from year to year. Please feel free to contact us for the best timing to visit.


【Enjoy Observing “Fireflies” on Night Jungle Tours or Kayaking Tours in Mangroves!!】

Here in Iriomote Island, we offer firefly tours for a limited time only, depending on the season. We offer “Yaeyama Firefly Tours” to observe Iriomote Island’s most famous wild fireflies in spring from late February to late April before entering the rainy season. We observe the fireflies while walking around on this tour. You can actually observe fireflies all year long in various spots throughout the island. Imagine watching fireflies float peacefully by in the unique ambience of a quiet night in mangrove forests, with wild birds singing in the background, and the night sky full of stars. By going on Night Jungle Tours or Kayaking Tours in the Mangroves during this season, you may just happen upon the fantastical sight of these fireflies, sure to take your breath away.


[Types of Fireflies Seen in Iriomote Island and Near Mangrove Forests]
• Yaeyama Hime Fireflies: hundreds gather in one place and flash, earning the names ‘Tinker Bell’ and ‘Carpet of Light’
• Kiro Suji Fireflies: has a tendency to fly around keeping their lights lit without flashing
• Oshima Mado Fireflies: radiates a fantastically beautiful green light
• Iriomote Fireflies: a highly rare, endangered Okinawan species of fireflies uniquely inhabiting Ishigaki Island・Iriomote Island

  • Availability

    Late February〜late April (varies according to how many fireflies appear)

  • Tour Schedule

    Duration: About 1.5 Hours from 18:45 (varies according to sunset time)

  • Number of Participants

    Minimum: 2 people

  • Fee

    Adult ¥4,000
    Child ¥3,500
    Toddler ¥3,000

    ※Price Includes
    Red light, boots, transportation

  • What to Wear・What to Bring

    ≫Click here to learn how to prepare for your trip

Sagaribana & Nala Falls

Sagaribana blooms from mid-June to mid-July. Because they bloom in the middle reaches of rivers hidden from people’s eyes, they are also called ephemeral flowers. In fact, they are so ephemeral that as one-night flowers, after blooming from dust, they fall off by sunrise. Because one-night flowers must be pollinated overnight, they emit a strong, sweet aroma. Departing before sunrise, it takes 1.5 hours by sea kayak to our destination. By the time we reach the site, the flowers have already begun falling. During peak season, the mangrove river is covered in sagaribana, like a flower bath. Basking in the rays of sunrise, enveloped in the sweet perfume, cultivates a dreamlike ambience. An early-morning departure tour only available for a limited time, we stop by the “”Unexplored Areas of Nala Falls”” after the sagaribana spectacle for a leisurely breakfast. We finish the tour around noon, taking the same route back by sea kayak. This tour is a collaboration of attractions both seasonal and unique to Iriomote Island.

Let’s Go See Iriomote Island’s Famous Flower “”Sagaribana”” and the Enigmatic Waterfall “”Nala Falls””!

Have you ever heard of Iriomote Island, located in Okinawa? In recent years, with urban development progressing quickly, there are modern buildings everywhere we look in our cities. Iriomote Island is the exact opposite of such cityscape, overflowing with nature preserved from ancient times in the form of a precious, remote island. We would like to talk a little more about “”Sagaribana”” and “”Nala Falls””, both extremely popular among tourists, and the unique heritage found only on Iriomote Island. 

Sagaribana: What Makes This Legendary One-Night Flower So Fascinating?

<The Origin of Sagaribana>

Sagaribana is the flower of a small evergreen tree about 10 meters tall which is commonly found blooming in Eastern Africa~Sourtheast Asia, as well as southern Pacific islands. Growing in Okinawa and the Ayami Islands, flowers about 60 cm~1 m long hang down from the branches, which is why it is called “”Sagaribana”” (‘Sagari’ means ‘to hang down’ or ‘to droop’ and ‘bana’ means ‘flower’ in Japanese.) 1 head of flowers consists of over 20 buds, blooming 4 petals and a brush-shaped stamen. Another name for this flower is “”Sawafuji””.


<Characteristics of Sagaribana>

Sagaribana: ephemeral, fragile flowers which bloom but a single night and fall off come morning. They begin to bloom one summer evening, becoming beautiful fully-bloomed flowers by night. With dawn, they flutter off the branches, covering the surface of the water like a heavenly flower bath. Such poetic spectacle is iconic of Iriomote Island.

Sagaribana is characterized by its innumerable light-colored stamens. For a small bud to contain such an abundance of stamen is incredible. What’s more, the impressive sight of these stamen growing beautifully upon blooming is truly divine, like small explosions of fireworks. (Three colors of sagaribana exist on Iriomote Island: white, pale pink, and pink.)

Blooming season: end of June~summer, after the monsoon season in Okinawa.


“Nala Falls: What Makes This Dreamlike Waterfall So Fascinating?”

<About Nala Falls>

Deep in Iriomote Island lies the mirage-like beauty that is “”Nala Falls””. This cascading waterfall has an impressive drop of about 20 meters. From Shirahama Port, we follow the Nakara River and trek in the jungle for about 35 minutes. The spectacle of this sublime waterfall gives off the impression of being truly untouched, its presence radiating a divine atmosphere. The waterfall basin is deep and wide enough to play in to your heart’s content, getting hit by its cascades or cannonballing in. Experience firsthand the power coursing through your entire body as you feel the grace of Mother Nature in “”Nala Falls””.


<The Best Part of Exploring By Kayak>

When the tide is good, the journey takes 1.5 hours. When it’s bad it takes more than 2 hours. Yes, the tour by kayak does require physical strength. But the adrenaline rush of paddling a kayak will surely give you a sense of accomplishment, providing you with plenty of opportunities to get a thrill out of interacting with the flora and fauna of the immense mangrove forest, river, and ocean. After the kayak awaits an approximately 35-minute trek through the jungle. Once we reach the waterfall, you’ll feel an indescribable sense of achievement wash over you, as the enigmatic atmosphere and vivacity of the waterfall makes you forget any physical fatigue. 


Summary of the Tour of Sagaribana & Nala Falls

Highly popular among travelers, they are must-see sightseeing spots during your visit to Iriomote Island. Please try out this unique two-in-one tour to experience both local delicacies in a single day.

※ Please kindly note that the best time to see sagaribana varies from year to year. Please feel free to contact us for the best timing to visit.

  • Availability

    Late June〜late July (may vary)

  • Tour Schedule

    Tour Schedule Duration: About 8 Hours

    Tour Starting Time: around 4:30 AM (may vary)

    《Estimated Itinerary》
    4:30 Pick-Up → Individual Preparation → Lecture, etc.
    5:20 Start the Kayak Tour
    6:45 Arrive at Sagaribana View Point, Enjoy the View
    7:45 Arrive Upstream, Start Trekking
    8:30 Arrive at Nala Falls (Break, Breakfast, Play in the Waterfall)
    9:30 Depart from Nala Falls, Start Trekking
    10:15 Arrive Upstream, Start Kayaking
    12:00 End of Tour → Clean Up
    12:30 Arrive at the Drop-Off Location

  • Suitable Age

    Junior high school and above

  • Fee

    Adult ¥19,000 (¥31,000 for single participants)

    ※Price Includes
    Breakfast, backpack, felt-soled shoes, waterproof bag, kayaking equipment, transportation

  • What to Wear・What to Bring

    ≫Click here to learn how to prepare for your trip

Sagaribana & Mariyudo・Campire・Kasik Falls

In this tour, we stop by 3 waterfalls, “”Mariyudo・Campire・Kasik Falls””, after the sagaribana spectacle for a leisurely breakfast. We finish the tour around noon, taking the same route back by trekking and sea kayak.

This tour is a collaboration of attractions both seasonal and unique to Iriomote Island.

  • Availability

    Late June〜late July (may vary)

  • Tour Schedule

    Duration: About 8 Hours

    Tour Starting Time: around 4:30 AM (may vary)

    《Estimated Itinerary》
    4:30 Pick-Up → Individual Preparation → Lecture, etc.
    5:20 Start the Kayak Tour
    6:20 Arrive at Sagaribana View Point, Enjoy the View, Go to Kasik Falls (we may stop by on the way back instead)

    7:20 Arrive Upstream, Start Trekking
    8:00 Arrive at Mariyudo Falls
    9:40 Arite at Campire Falls (Break・Breakfast)
    10:30 Arrive Upstream, Start Kayaking
    12:00 End of Tour → Clean Up
    12:30 Arrive at the Drop-Off Location

  • Suitable Age

    Junior high school and above

  • Fee

    Adult ¥19,000 (¥31,000 for single participants)

    ※Price Includes
    Breakfast, backpack, felt-soled shoes, waterproof bag, kayaking equipment, transportation

  • What to Wear・What to Bring

    ≫Click here to learn how to prepare for your trip

Sagaribana Tour

We meet up at 8:00AM (varies depending on the season) for this tour, which is relatively later for a sagaribana viewing tour. Even the distance we travel by kayak is relatively short, so we recommend this course to those who want to enjoy viewing the sagaribana flowers in a more carefree style. With this tour schedule, it is possible to participate right before you return home. From people pressed for time or those without much physical stamina, you can enjoy the beauty and aroma of sagaribana limited to a very short window of opportunity while reveling in the splendor of the mangrove forest. Participants more confident in their stamina can even go on to join full-day tours after breakfast at your place of stay.

《Please feel free to contact us if you would like to move up the departure or finishing times due to personal reasons.》


  • Availability

    Late June〜late July (may vary)

  • Tour Schedule

    Duration: About 2.5 Hours

    Tour Starting Time: around 8:00AM (may vary)

    《Estimated Itinerary》
    8:00 Pick-Up → Individual Preparation → Lecture, etc.
    8:30 Start the Kayak Tour
    8:50 Arrive at Sagaribana View Point, Enjoy the View
    10:00 End of Tour → Clean Up
    10:30 Arrive at the Drop-Off Location

  • Suitable Age

    Junior high school and above

  • Fee

    Adult ¥9,500 (¥19,000 for single participants)

    ※Price Includes
    waterproof bag, kayaking equipment, transportation

  • What to Wear・What to Bring

    ≫Click here to learn how to prepare for your trip