Three-Tiered Waterfalls of Yutsun & Maya Rock Falls・Trekking

A tour to Iriomote Island’s most scenic spot: the three-tiered waterfalls of Yutsun.

Revel in the jungle-like scenery and magnificent view from the top of the waterfall. This course through unexplored areas has a relatively short walking distance, so it is recommended for beginners.

Depending on your stamina and time allowance, we proceed onwards from here towards Maya Rock Falls.

  • Recommended Period


  • Tour Schedule

    Duration: About 6 Hours

  • Suitable Age

    10 years old and above

  • Fee

    Adult ¥14,000 (Busy season fee ¥15,000 )((¥26000 for single participants)
    Child ¥12,000 (Busy season fee ¥13,000 )
    ※Price Includes
    Lunch, 1 drink, backpack, felt-soled shoes, shin guards, simple rain gear, transportation

    ※Transportation to and from the western and a part of the eastern areas of the island is available. Please take a rental car to the meeting spot for participants outside of the areas indicated. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • What to Wear・What to Bring

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Mayagusuku Falls・Trekking

Mayagusuku Falls is said to be the most beautiful waterfall in Iriomote Island. An unexplored waterfall located in the deepest part of Iriomote Island in a region you cannot enter alone, you need quite a lot of stamina for access.

☆ Trekking to Mayagusuku Falls during the summer is physically demanding. It requires your body to be fit and to be used to a certain level of heat. For those concerned about making this trip, we recommend you prepare beforehand by running and other forms of strenuous exercise. Through you are rarely exposed to direct sunlight going through the jungles of Iriomote Island, this is a hot and highly humid course full of ascents and descents, leading to higher risks of heat stroke. Note that humidity levels can reach up to 90% or even higher.

  • Recommended Period


  • Tour Schedule

    Duration: About 7.5 Hours

  • Suitable Age

    Junior high school and above

  • Fee

    Adult ¥19,000 (Busy season fee ¥20,000 )(¥31,000 for single participants)

    Sightseeing Boat Ride Fare
    ¥3,000/person (required additionally)

    ※Price Includes
    Lunch, 1 drink, backpack, felt-soled shoes, shin guards, simple rain gear

    ※If more than 2 people participate, you are eligible to rent a charter boat for ¥5000〜¥2000 per person (allows for additional time). Transportation to and from the western region is available. For those of you joining us from the eastern region of the island, please take a rental car to the meeting spot. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • What to Wear・What to Bring

    ≫Click here to learn how to prepare for your trip

Highest Peak In Iriomote Island "Mount Komi・Trekking"

Mount Komi, at 470 meters, is the highest peak in Iriomote Island. Savor the exhilarating scenery from its summit. A must-see for any fan of Iriomote Island. The tour requires a high level of physical strength.

☆ Trekking to Mayagusuku Falls during the summer is physically demanding. It requires your body to be fit and to be used to a certain level of heat. For those concerned about making this trip, we recommend you prepare beforehand by running and other forms of strenuous exercise. Through you are rarely exposed to direct sunlight going through the jungles of Iriomote Island, this is a hot and highly humid course full of ascents and descents, leading to higher risks of heat stroke. Note that humidity levels can reach up to 90% or even higher.

  • Recommended Period


  • Tour Schedule

    Duration: About 7.5 Hours

  • Suitable Age

    Junior high school and above

  • Fee

    Adult ¥19,000 (¥31,000 for single participants)

    ※Price Includes
    Lunch, 1 drink, backpack, felt-soled shoes, shin guards, simple rain gear, transportation

    ※Transportation to and from the western and a part of the eastern areas of the island is available. Please take a rental car to the meeting spot for participants outside of the areas indicated. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • What to Wear・What to Bring

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Tour Across Iriomote Island・Trekking

This is the hardest among all of the trekking tours we offer, with a total distance of over 20 km stretching across Iriomote Island. Perfect for those yearning for the sense of accomplishment that comes hand in hand with this trek through unexplored Japanese jungle. Depending on your stamina and time allowance, we will make a pit stop at Iriomote’s most beautiful unexplored territory, Mayagusuku Falls.

☆ Trekking to Mayagusuku Falls during the summer is physically demanding. It requires your body to be fit and to be used to a certain level of heat. For those concerned about making this trip, we recommend you prepare beforehand by running and other forms of strenuous exercise. Through you are rarely exposed to direct sunlight going through the jungles of Iriomote Island, this is a hot and highly humid course full of ascents and descents, leading to higher risks of heat stroke. Note that humidity levels can reach up to 90% or even higher.

  • Recommended Period


  • Tour Schedule

    Duration: About 10 Hours

  • Suitable Age

    Junior high school and above

  • Fee

    Adult ¥29,000 (¥44,000 for single participants)

    Sightseeing Boat Ride Fare
    ¥3,000/person (required additionally)

    ※Price Includes
    Lunch, 1 drink, backpack, felt-soled shoes, shin guards, simple rain gear, transportation

    ※Using a charter boat will allow for about an hour or so of extra time to spare. Please contact us if interested. It costs an additional ¥8000〜¥10000.

    ※Transportation to and from the western and a part of the eastern areas of the island is available. Please take a rental car to the meeting spot for participants outside of the areas indicated. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • What to Wear・What to Bring

    ≫Click here to learn how to prepare for your trip

DI-02 Trekking

《Only for Repeaters (More Than Twice) of Our Tours of Unexplored Areas》

  • Tour Schedule

    Duration: About 11 Hours

  • Suitable Age

    Repeaters Only. Strong Walkers.

  • Fee

    Adult ¥31,000 (¥46,000 for single participants)

    ※Price Includes
    backpack, felt-soled sh+D46oes, shin guards, simple rain gear

  • What to Wear・What to Bring

    ≫Click here to learn how to prepare for your trip